Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Chim chiminey chim chiminey...

Sorry, I just wanted to put a cool title. I'm not really cleaning out chimneys....nor would I like to...but I do love Disney, especially the music! It calms me when I'm stressed. Especially when I'm singing along very loudly with Carrie in the car. And of course you have to include Tim in the back laughing at the fact that we know every single word to every song. It's priceless.

Oh good...Carrie just started playing some...ahhh. That's lovely. Oh Peetah, such a charmer. Peter Pan that is =)

Basically, I'm constantly refreshing the page that tells the California proposition results. Of course I am paying particular attention to proposition 8. It's funny...I wonder what I would have thought about this if I hadn't joined the church. The thought crosses my mind a lot about a lot of things, but this is just such a big issue, that I wonder if outside forces would have caused me to think differently. (If you're worried about my stress level, there's no need to fret...a Bambi song just came on.) I am pretty sure I would still have chosen to support "Yes on 8" but since I am so unsure even about how I would have reacted, it worries me to think how others will vote. Without the guidance of Heavenly Father, things like this are normal. What's wrong with homosexuals getting married when you don't know the word of God? Nothing. *sigh*

On a lighter note though...Pinnochio is playing now. In case you were wondering. Good thing I don't have strings either. That would be a hassle. Way to go Pinnochio. Way. To. Go.

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