Saturday, November 15, 2008

It's official!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So now the world can know about it... the ring is on the finger! :) It only took us a couple weeks, and a little delay in the jewelry side of things, but we came out on top! I'll let her tell the story of how i asked if she wants to later on, but we're getting pictures taken this afternoon and getting more of the guest list done. We've got a lot ahead of us, but it's all fun stuff :) My roommate, James, got engaged last weekend as well- my apartment is disappearing!

Life is grand- we made it through midterms and such and have a week and a half til thanksgiving break! Yesssssssssssssss! We're still looking for a ride to California though. Anyone know of anyone else going to the Sacramento area that could use another two riders? :) Can't wait to see everyone at home!

Oh yeah! We got to go visit Becky this week! That's my little sister for those of you that don't know. She's going to school down the street and tearing it up! She's an amazing girl- just like all of the females in the Wallace family :) Janae is super excited to be one soon too! Anyway, busy-ness is ruling my life, so that's all for now. Take care, peoples!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Congratulations!!! So um, where's a picture of the ring???